Groupe de vache montbéliarde              

The best activities

Discover Franche-Comté

  • Watchmaking country

    Watchmaking country

    Immerse yourself in this human-scale territory, both wild and secret. Meet the locals and let them guide you in the discovery of this small part of the Jura Mountains, at the gateway to Switzerland. Explore our nature, enjoy our local produce and be amazed by our heritage.

  • Le Crêt-Monniot, a 360° panorama of the Alps and the Haut-Doubs region

    Le Crêt-Monniot, a 360° panorama of the Alps and the Haut-Doubs region

    Crêt-Monniot is a must-see. With an altitude of 1,141 metres, it is the highest point in the Pays Saugeais. It offers panoramic views over the entire region. On a clear day, you can see the entire Alpine chain, from Mont Blanc to the Eiger in the Bernese Alps. Crêt-Monniot is easily accessible by car. It's also the starting point for a number of signposted walks and mountain bike trails. 

  • Mont-Vouillot, a viewpoint near La Miellerie

    Mont-Vouillot, a viewpoint near La Miellerie

    The Mont-Vouillot lookout is a must-see in the Haut-Doubs Horloger region. It can be reached in just a few minutes from the Miellerie des Combes gîte. Culminating at an altitude of 1,160 metres, Mont-Vouillot offers a bird's-eye view of the Val de Morteau. It's also an ideal place to see the Alps on a clear day. 

  • Saut du Doubs, wild and spectacular

    Saut du Doubs, wild and spectacular

    During your stay at the Gîte de la Miellerie, don't forget to plan a trip to the Saut du Doubs, some fifteen kilometers away. The 27-metre waterfall is spectacular. You can admire it from several lookouts. The area is well developed. Several hikes are possible from this site, which borders Switzerland. 

  • The village of Les Combes

    The village of Les Combes

    The Miellerie gîte is just a stone's throw from the center of the village of Les Combes. You can get there on foot in just a few minutes. Take time to stroll through the village, with its well-renovated public buildings and Comtoises farmhouses. 

  • Remonnot, its grotto and parade

    Remonnot, its grotto and parade

    Remonnot is located in the commune of Les Combes. It's a must-see when visiting the Haut-Doubs region. You'll love the cave and the view of the Entreroche gorge. 

  • Montbenoît Abbey

    Montbenoît Abbey

    Located around ten kilometers from the Miellerie B&B, Montbenoît Abbey is one of the jewels in the crown of the local heritage. Built in the 11th century and perfectly renovated, its architecture is remarkable. Guided tours are available. 

  • Cultural visits not to be missed

    Cultural visits not to be missed

    Architecture, art, watchmaking... the surrounding area is brimming with exceptional sites. Not to be missed: Besancon Citadel, Saline Royale d'Arc et Senans, Châteaux de Joux, Musée Gustave Courbet, Musée des Maisons comtoises, Watchmaking Museums in Morteau and La Chaux de Fonds, Model Farm in Grand Combes Chateleu...

  • Activities for the whole family

    Activities for the whole family

    The Haut Doubs is first and foremost a family destination, and there's no shortage of activities, whether cultural or sporting. Must-sees: Gouffre de Poudrey, Dino-zoo, Musée de l'Aventure Peugeot, Muzoo at La Chaux de Fonds, Métabief Aventures,...

  • The Haut-Doubs, a region to savour

    The Haut-Doubs, a region to savour

     Charcuterie, cheeses (Comté, Mortbier), Morteau sausage and absinthe are the star products of the Haut-Doubs region. Local producers and Comté cheese dairies welcome you to treat your taste buds. You can also visit the places where these products are made: the Fort Saint Antoine maturing cellar, Papy Gaby's Tuyé, distillery tours, etc.

  • A hiking paradise

    A hiking paradise

    is the activity par excellence in the Haut-Doubs. Whether you're a sportsman or a family member, you're bound to find a hike to suit your taste and level, summer or winter. Our favorites include: Les échelles de la Mort, Le Saut du Doubs, les Gorges de l'Areuse, le Creux du Van, les Tourbières de Frasne, le Val de Consolation, les sources de la Loue et du Lison, le sentier des statues à la Sagne, ...

  • A playground for mountain bikers

    A playground for mountain bikers

    You can also discover the region by bike! There are many signposted mountain bike trails, and the roads of the Haut Doubs are particularly well-suited to cycle touring. Several guides are available in the documentation pack in the gîtes.

  • Let yourself be tempted by winter in Haut-Doubs

    Let yourself be tempted by winter in Haut-Doubs

    Cross-country skiing is the main winter activity. There are several trailheads around the gîtes, including one in the village. For downhill skiing, you can take advantage of family resorts such as Métabief or Les Bugnenets-Savagnières in Switzerland, as well as the smaller resorts around Val de Morteau for the little ones.

  • Via ferrata, climbing, canoeing, come and get some fresh air!
    Via ferrata

    Via ferrata, climbing, canoeing, come and get some fresh air!

    Via ferrata at Ornans or Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne, rock-climbing sites and canoeing down the Loue and Doubs rivers - there's something for everyone!